Apologize for not adding any new content or participating much lately, but I am making an effort to keep the existing content online. Changing host
Category: Site update
Hi. Long time, no see. I’ve been dreading this moment. Opening up my inbox and seeing all the comments and emails I’ve been missing. I
You haven’t heard much from me lately, and I’ve been busy with a disproportionate amount of real-life stuff, but there are things to come yet.
In case you were wondering, I’m still around. So here’s a quick update on what’s going on. First of all, if you haven’t yet heard,

Update (24.09.2014): I’m slow, I know! Added 20 more tap-tempo LFO v2.1 chips to the shop today, finally. I’ve added a couple of tap-tempo clock
Update (10.08.2014): Looks like it’s working correctly, and everything should now be running on the new host. Let me know if something isn’t quite working.
You’re probably already familiar with both sites (I’m usually the last one to learn about something…), but these guys have a lot of great info,
I know a few of you have been asking for pre-programmed tap-tempo controllers, and over the last week I’ve been working on realizing this. In
Some more site updates, about me this time. I’ve added a new section called “about” where I’ve written a little about myself. I also plan
As you may or may not have noticed I’ve been updating a number of the older layouts. Long story short; way back when I wasn’t