I’ve recently put together “my own” take on a VCA compressor. I put that in quotes because most of the design is straight from the
Category: Compressor

This one’s an experiment and there’s a real chance this initial version won’t work correctly, so keep that in mind if you’re trying this right

Another compressor, this one by Merlin/ValveWizard. I chose to incorporate all the suggested mods on this layout. Let me know if you beat me to

I’m weak for compressors and this one seems really interesting. Let me know if you try this layout before I get around to it. Update

Vero layout for the Electro-Harmonix Soul Preacher compressor.

Vero layout of the ISP decimator noise gate. This one is based on a “true-bypass” version of the schematic foregoing the IC switching, buffered bypass

Did this a few nights ago, but didn’t get around to posting it until now. Not yet verified, but I’m fairly confident it’s correct (assuming

Drew a vero layout for the Love Squeeze according to the schematic by WhiteKeyHole of freestompboxes. There are a couple of unknown capacitor values, but

Here’s my take on a modded version of the MXR Noise Gate based on the tonepad schematics, yet to be verified. I decided to incorporate

Update (26.05.2014): I’ve dug up my old build and measured the voltages of the active components.